Environmental Considerations
Detailed studies of local ecology, landscape, traffic and more form part of our proposal at Rainham Lodge Farm.

Environmental Considerations
Detailed studies of local ecology, landscape, traffic and more form part of our proposal at Rainham Lodge Farm.
Environmental Considerations
Detailed environmental assessments have been carried out as part of the preparation for our planning application to extract sand and gravel at Rainham Lodge Farm. These independent assessments – and the proposals for mitigating any potential issues arising – have been conducted in line with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 2017.
The assessments cover the lifetime of the proposed quarry from initial site preparation, through the operation phases, to final restoration of the site.
Below is an outline of each of the key environmental considerations (listed alphabetically) and the proposed measures to address the potential impacts. Full details of the environmental assessments and mitigations will be included in our planning application.
Air Quality
Assessing air quality
A detailed air quality assessment in line with Air Quality Standards Regulations (among other legislation and policy) has been carried out as part of the development of our planning application to date and the findings of the assessment were shared at our recent public consultation.
The assessment considered current air quality and potential impacts from the proposal at a number of locations (‘receptors’) around the site and along proposed vehicle routes, taking into account local meteorological conditions such as wind speed and direction. The area that covers Hacton Park Corner Farm was included within this air quality assessment along with Bushells Way and Suttons Lane that would incorporate the area around the planned St George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub.
Dust Assessment
The conclusions of the air quality assessment are that the effect on amenity is considered to be not significant. Equally, the effect on PM (particulate matter) concentrations at the receptors is considered to be ‘not significant, as is the effect on ecological receptors. It is therefore considered that the potential impacts from dust and particulate matter do not present a material constraint to the development proposals.
Operational measures
The inherent moist nature of the sand and gravel from the ground means it is damp when it is extracted. The site will also be surrounded by bunds – banks made up of soils from the site –which will define each extraction phase. We also propose to design the quarry to maximise the distance between the ‘extractive areas’ and residential properties.
In addition, a number of good practice control measures are proposed to minimise any potential for dust from the site. These include:
• water sprays to dampen routes within the site during dry weather
• road sweeper to ensure the site access road is cleaned
• loading done carefully to prevent material becoming airborne
• speed restrictions enforced on site
• ‘wheel wash’ close to the exit to clean lorries before they leave
• lorries would have their loads covered before leaving site
Monitoring air quality
As part of any planning application we will submit a detailed Dust Management Plan which would detail the site mitigation measures to be put in place as identified within the air quality assessment carried out and in line with industry standards/best practice. If planning permission is granted, we would expect this Dust Management Plan and the monitoring of it, to be a requirement of a planning condition.
Road Traffic Assessment
The assessment also considered impacts on relevant existing receptors from road traffic emissions associated with the proposed development. The impacts of the Proposed Development on NO2, PM and PM25 concentrations at all existing receptor locations are considered to be ‘negligible’.
Soil removal for quarrying can sometimes reveal archaeological remains and many remarkable discoveries have been made due to quarrying. However, a geophysical survey and trial trenching at Rainham Lodge Farm found scant archaeological remains and it is likely that there is not much of archaeological merit beneath the surface.
Nonetheless, as a matter of course, during soil removal activities we pay close attention to identify anything that may be archaeological interest. Any finds are reported to the local authority and appointed archaeologists are brought in to assess any finds.
Climate Change
Most of the site is currently used for arable crops but there are some field margins with wildflowers and areas of ecological value at the perimeter of the site. While the application area is not within Hornchurch Country Park or Ingrebourne Marshes SSSI, there is overlap with the edge of a Local Nature Reserve, and the site is adjacent to grassland and wetland habitats to the west.
The proposed quarrying activity has therefore been sensitively designed to avoid impacts on those parts of the site with the highest ecological value. We are also proposing to maintain a greater distance between extraction areas and nearby habitats with new flower-rich meadowland in the area between the two.
The ecological assessment concludes that the proposed measures, along with the planned progressive restoration will more than offset the impacts resulting from a marginal overlap into the edge of the designated Local Nature Reserve. The restoration in particular is assessed as representing a significant ecological enhancement and a net gain in biodiversity for the site in the long term.
Brett has a long history of award-winning quarry restoration to enhance biodiversity and the net long-term effect of the proposals would be positive for local ecology. See the section on Restoration.
Health and Social
As part of our planning application, consideration has been given to wider public health, wellbeing and social issues, both during the proposed activities and following progressive restoration of the site. Besides the specific environmental measures detailed elsewhere, such as air quality and road safety, these include broader plans to ensure our activities play a positive role in the community. For example:
- Delivery of the additional permissive rights of way as part of our restoration plans including improving access for all.
- Recruiting local people and employing services from within the local community
- Positive and proactive application of our policy to ensure equal opportunities for all people.
Landscape and Visual
The landscape and visual assessment has closely examined the landscape character of the area around Rainham Lodge Farm and how the terrain might be affected by the introduction of phased mineral extraction as proposed.
In particular, the potential visibility of the development from six ‘viewpoints’ has been carefully considered. This study has helped to inform the design, layout, method of working and restoration of the land.
Examination of the viewpoints indicates that the current landform is largely able to accommodate the temporary changes brought about by the proposed quarrying activity.
Taking into consideration the way the site is intended to be worked – plus the additional screening around the working area – the assessment concluded that no significant landscape or visual effects are expected as a result of the proposed development.
Overall, the physical change to landscape is considered to be ‘slight’ during site preparation and establishment stages, and rated as ‘moderate’ during the working phases of the quarry. As the progressive restoration of the site continues, any visual impact would reduce, becoming ‘slight’ again and eventually ‘beneficial’ after final restoration of the site.
For the assessment in relation to noise, the proposed site activity has been modelled based on detailed historic auditory data for sand and gravel extraction, and assessed in alignment with recognised standards and guidance. In considering the potential for noise, existing background noise levels have been taken into account as a ‘baseline’ at key points around the site.
As a result of the assessment, the noise levels generated by operational activities (such as excavators, loading of lorries and vehicle movements) would be well within acceptable limits. Nevertheless, a number of good practice measures are proposed to further reduce any chance of potential adverse noise, especially the use of modern equipment which is quieter.
A comprehensive transport study has been undertaken and careful consideration given to vehicle movements. We propose that the ‘raw’ sand and gravel extracted at Rainham Lodge Farm will be loaded directly onto lorries for a short transfer to our existing Rainham Quarry off Launders Lane, just 1.5 miles away.
Following public consultation, and having reviewed a number of options to minimise any impact of vehicle movements on other road users, we propose a revised route using Berwick Pond Road, which we propose to widen, improve visibility and signage at key locations to increase safety for all road users.
In addition, we are proposing a ‘shuttle’ arrangement so transport can be co-ordinated to reduce the chance of lorries passing on this stretch of road. Further, we propose reducing mineral movements during periods when the site is receiving materials for restoration.
For further details on the highway improvements proposed for Berwick Pond Road click here.
It is estimated that the proposal will generate around 57 lorry journeys (from Rainham Lodge Farm to Rainham Quarry) in each direction per day. That equates to around 12 two-way HGV movements per hour (assume 6 in each direction) over a typical working day. The actual number of lorries could be less, but our proposal takes into account the potential for occasional peak periods.
The Brett Group fleet of trucks conforms with the stringent requirements of FORS (Freight Operators’ Recognition Scheme) and CLOCS (Construction Logistics and Community Safety) to maintain the highest standards of safety for all road users.
In addition our fleet of trucks complies with the latest European ‘Euro VI’ emissions standards (the only ones approved for use in Ultra Low Emission Zones). Furthermore, we are looking to power all shuttle journeys using the low-emission biofuel HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil).
Within our assessment of hydrology and hydrogeology, we have looked closely at whether any aspect of the proposed development could affect surface or ground water. A detailed analysis across the site indicates that operation of the quarry would not adversely affect local water. Additionally, a water management plan will be submitted as part of our planning application, covering how water will be used and controlled on site.
The final contours of the site are designed to drain to a wetland area and, following restoration, there will be a net reduction in the rate and volume of runoff from the site as a whole compared to the existing baseline situation.